The Deep animated series begin broadcast in Australia on Tuesday 1st December 2015, at 7:30am on 7TWO!
The animated series is adapted from the award-winning graphic novels by Tom Taylor and James Brouwer.
A truly all-ages show, this unique and stunning underwater animated series premieres on the Seven Network’s 7TWO showing at 7.30am from Monday to Friday. The series will also broadcast on ABC3 in 2016 and is set to roll out globally.
Melbourne-based writer, Tom Taylor, is the co-creator and lead writer of the series. He is a #1 New York Times best-selling comic book author, screenwriter and playwright, well known for his many STAR WARS works and the worldwide #1 bestselling comic series, INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US. Taylor has spent the last year writing a critically acclaimed run of Marvel Comics’ flagship superhero, IRON MAN, and has been announced as the next writer of WOLVERINE as well as BATMAN/SUPERMAN for DC Comics.
Brisbane-based Illustrator, James Brouwer, is the co-creator and Art Director of the series in which his beautiful vision and incredible designs come to life.