This weekend the Melbourne Showgrounds will host the Melbourne Oz-Comic con: X-mas edition, a perfect chance to do some Christmas shopping for those in your life with an interest in pop-culture! In attendance will be a veritable overstuffed Christmas stocking of Gestalt creators and books!

Oz Comic Con Melbourne Christmas Edition
Oz Comic Con Melbourne Christmas Edition

For the first time available at a convention in Melbourne will be the spectacularly successful Dark Heart #1. You will be able to pick up the first comic in the first Indigenous shared superhero universe, the Indigiverse. You’ll be able to get the book signed by the creative team, writer and creator Scott Wilson (Dark Heart), artist Katie Houghton-Ward (Khulan, Dark Heart), and editor/letterer Wolfgang Bylsma (every single Gestalt comic).

Scott Wilson
Katie Houghton-Ward
Wolfgang Bylsma

Appearing for the first time in a Melbourne convention, graphic novelist and creative director of the Stick Mob graphic novel collective, is Declan Miller. Declan is the creator of the young adult heartfelt drama/fantasy “Mixed Feelings” which shows the diversity of stories that make up his home town of Mparntwe (Alice Springs).

Declan Miller

Hometown hero Trev Wood (Talgard) will be there to share his newest book Unmasked: Sinister with all who are looking to inject a little bit of action and violence into their Christmas stockings. There will also be a brief appearance by the book’s writer, Christian D Read (Eldritch Kid, Unmasked) on Sunday afternoon.

Trev Wood

But the beautifully wrapped gifts from Gestalt don’t stop there, also in attendance will be Gary Proudley (Talgard, The More Things Change, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave), Mitch Collins (Talgard, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave) and Cristian Roux (Talgard, The More Things Change).  Come down and pick up a book (or ten) from any of these talented creators who will gladly sign them.

Gary Proudley
Mitch Collins
Cristian Roux

But you thought we were done there? No there’s always more room for Christmas pudding! Also as guests at Oz Comic Con Melbourne: Christmas Edition are the talented Gestalt creators Andrew Constant (Nightwing:Future State, The Demon: Hell is Earth), Jake Bartok (Cleverman, Star Wars) and Tom Taylor (Neverlanders, Injustice, The Deep).

Andrew Constant
Jake Bartok
Tom Taylor

So come down to the Melbourne showgrounds and gorge yourself on Christmas comics goodies!


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